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Residential Solutions

Residential: About Us

What We Do

Every year, residential and rural homeowners need help finding acceptable solutions for maintaining, and sometimes completely restoring their aquatic structures. Every residential aquatic structure is unique, but most face very similar struggles. These struggles are typically an abundance of nitrogen from fertilizer runoff creating high levels of aquatic vegetation, increased levels with the demand of oxygen for breaking down biological matter, and cycling the body of water for preventing stagnation.

BES Water Solutions is working to restore these aquatic focal points, through safe and economically viable solutions. Most aquatic structures need help for their dissolved oxygen levels, and the amount of biological matter that is being naturally broken down. We have generated lasting results by consulting and then introducing a solution that utilizes three tools over a 1-2 year introduction process.

By evaluating and introducing a properly sized aeration pump, we work to introduce and then maintain the needed oxygen levels for the whole aquatic system, while also cycling the water through a natural state of flow. Aquatic plants need sunlight to grow, so we will also work to incorporate an environmentally friendly dye into the water to cut down on the photosynthesis that is currently taking place, and thus limiting the vegetation's growth. The final tool is the introduction of BES Water Solutions exclusive enzymes. Our enzymes will work in tandem with the improved oxygen levels, to reduce the demand on oxygen the waterway system naturally has through the biological breakdown of organic waste, allowing for healthier habitats for fish, wildlife and family interactions. 

BES Water Solutions believes that we can be a great partner in the restoration and maintenance of your residential aquatic systems.

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