There are countless aquatic systems scattered throughout the Midwest occupying various forms. Whether it is a pond, lake or wetland, many have progressed to the point of being eyesores due to stagnation, algae and other varying ailments. At BES Water Solutions, we believe that an answer exists through the three core components explained below.
(The following photos feature a pond in SE Iowa, before consultation with BES Water Solutions.)
1. Dissolved Oxygen - What is dissolved oxygen? Very simply, it is a measurement of oxygen found in a body of water. This level can change as a result of quite a few things. A scummy, stagnant, shallow pond will probably have low levels, while a clear pond with decent water flow and a greater depth could see higher oxygen levels.
Many of the aquatic waterways in the Midwest are the result of damming natural water basins and runoffs. The very nature of these systems are that they are natural collection points. With that, anything that is released upstream is deposited in the wetland, pond or lake. Fertilizer, or nitrogen, runoff from residential yards and agricultural fields can cause extreme algae blooms and aquatic plant growth in these systems. As these plants grow, they consume oxygen in the water, and when they die, their decay causes an even greater consumption of oxygen. As a result, the dissolved oxygen levels in the water decrease, and have even caused fish kills. As ponds and lakes do not naturally have great current or flow to them, water stagnation is common and needs addressed.

Our Solution - Recognizing the need to get water moving and increase dissolved oxygen levels, we would encourage the use of aeration tools and/or water pumps. We are currently investigating the use of solar panels and water pumps to create a solution for remote aquatic systems. Through the use of these pumps and aerators, ponds and lakes will have increased water circulation, providing an opportunity for the varying water levels to mix with each other. It will also provide the necessary levels of oxygen throughout. But what about those plants and increasing their oxygen?

2. Water Coloration - With increased oxygen, won't their be an increase of plant life? This is the correct question to ask. Plants use sunlight to complete photosynthesis, create oxygen and grow. We absolutely want this to happen, but remember, we are battling a possible abundance of nitrogen in the water. Because of this, we need to limit their ability to grow and take over. Aquatic vegetation is good, but an overabundance is bad, and certain algae types can be toxic to humans and pets.

Our Solution - We would recommend the use of a good aquatic dye to limit the light source that is reaching levels one (1) foot and greater in the aquatic system. Always read the labels, but most dyes are found to be safe for humans, pets and livestock, and one gallon can approximately treat one acre for $50 or less. The pond or lake would need to be treated annually, with the possibility of an additional application later in the summer. Reducing the opportunity for new aquatic vegetation growth reduces the amount of decaying matter, which will be addressed next.

3. Biological Health - It takes years for a pond or lake to reach unhealthy biological levels, but once it does, the turn is quick. At the core of this is a buildup of organic material at the base of the pond or lake. This layer of organic matter accumulates over time, and continues to grow until the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is unable to maintain positive water health, and an investment becomes an eyesore. We know that the enzymes that we hold the exclusive rights to are truly the secret weapon in this.

Our Solution - Through the infusion of enzymes, we provide the true catalyst for change inside the aquatic system. With the human body, 85% of our immune system is in our digestive tract. If that is unhealthy, we are unhealthy. Our aquatic systems are no different. With the BES Water Solutions enzymes, we work to systematically increase health and restore nature's balance. For the first 24 hours, the enzymes double every 20 minutes, but then work to continuously break down the organic matter that has accumulated on the pond floor over time. As this matter is reduced, nitrogen levels will decrease and the aquatic vegetation's fuel sources are brought back to normal levels. All of this restores the balance of the aquatic life. A yearly application is typically all that is needed to restore and maintain water quality.

Just as the problem took time and did not happen overnight, the solution will take time. It will require some manual labor to see faster change, but the results are always worth it. Please reach out to us with questions, as BES Water Solutions wants to be a great partner with you.