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Agricultural Solutions

Confinement Buildings

What We Do

Through the use of BES Water Solutions' enzymes, farmers have been successful in the reduction, and even elimination, of noxious odors due to livestock production. This has not only helped in the relationships of neighbors, but also in the health of the livestock. Anytime there is waste buildup, there is also a buildup of methane and other gases, which causes stress and discomfort for the livestock, and can cause further growth and health issues.


In addition to odor reduction, the enzymes break down the waste faster, and in turn cause a dramatic decrease in flies. This again will lessen the stress of the livestock, and provide better working conditions for the farmer.


With these enhanced practices, livestock health will improve, resulting in higher quality growth patterns and fewer medical needs, which not only benefits farmers and livestock, but also global food needs. 

May We Help?

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